Time to move to Openlens
The problem
The company behind the beloved Lens app started to move a different path now. No blame games. But time to move on.
The solution
As of now there is no availability of a direct drop in binary replacement. Open-lens is all goodness of Lens without the properitory part of it. But it comes with a tolerable level of pain, no off the shelf binaries. You need to build it your own.
Covers deb, rpm and AppImages
Make sure you have essential utils:
sudo apt install -y curl git
Install NodeJS repo (ignore if you are already a js marveric, instead switch to node 16 or above via nvm):
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
Install NodeJS v16 LTS: apt install -y nodejs
Install latest version of yarn:
sudo npm install -g yarn
Clone OpenLens repository:
git clone ./openlens
Go into OpenLens source codes directory:
cd ./openlens
Select your specific version (or stick to master ;)):
git checkout v6.0.3
Build your binaries: make build
You will find your Linux binaries in ./openlens/dist directory. Please use the package type works best for you. Eg deb for debian and cousins like Ubuntu , rpm for opensuse, Fedora and company.
install X Code as you will need the build-essentials for Mac as well.
Install nodeJS and git and yarn (again js marverics , please go on as per your cook books):
brew install node@16 git yarn
Clone OpenLens:
git clone ./openlens
Go to the OpenLens code folder:
cd ./openlens
Set your versions (versions can be referred in git repo release or Lens website or stick to master):
git checkout v6.0.3
Fire the build:
Build macOS Apple Silicon and Intel binaries: env ELECTRON_BUILDER_EXTRA_ARGS="--arm64 --x64 --config.dmg.sign=false" make build
After the completion of build you can install the dmg files from ./openlens/dist folder. For M1 and M2 macs please choose the dmg files with arm in it.